How can I help?
A guide on your journey

Have you wandered....
What is it all for? Why do I have to carry all this pain around with me? I want to live, I want to experience, I’m tired of how it has been, I want change. I want to find out who I really am, and what it is all about. I’m tired of feeling anxious and stressed, and I want meaning and purpose in my life, with better relationships, making my own choices, to be comfortable in my own skin.
Psychosynthesis is a fantastic modality of psychotherapy, that addresses these things and much more. It is a psychology to find out who we really are, and to give purpose and meaning to our lives. It looks at our history, our wounding, which forms our unconscious patterns of behavior, but more importantly, it focuses on re-connecting us with who we truly are, removing the blockages that may stand in the way. It is a psychology of hope, recognising that we are spiritual beings on our unique individual journey, which can feel extremely painful at times.
We carry our history with us, and if we are not aware it can control us unconsciously, but often symptoms we experience and life crises are healthy signals that we need to re-align ourselves, a warning sign not to be ignored.
If you feel ready to take the step into therapy or if you have any questions please get in touch, I would love to hear from you.